Conversations with Myself

California, United States •

  • Conversations with Myself is a body of work in which I assume the roles of assorted women, ranging from the 1950’s, my birth decade, through the present, in which I don garments that belonged to a close relation of mine. I was eager to gain insight and understanding of the external influences that shaped my mother as a person and young mother, and the influence that it and she had on me. I realized those mysteries were less about a specific time and place and more about the female in society, past and present, over time: their roles, dictated, expected and assumed, and the social constructs and structure controlling them and adopted by them, as societal truths. The work is based in and around the home domain and”her” personal adornment (fashion) choices, where “she” had control.

    With the the work no longer firmly planted in the past, and the power to speak through art, I continue to explore these female/societal topics, displaying the truth of vulnerability and contemplation as vital and healthy personal traits, empowering girls and woman to embrace self-acceptance and self-recognition, and to strongly believe what is possible.